Moxa Raises WBC Count in Chemo Patients

Low White Blood Cell Count in Chemo Patients is *the* major reason for pausing cancer treatment, and moxa + acu are now scientifically proven to fight this.

Kim Soo

6/26/20241 min read

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Moxa should be a weekly part of your cancer recovery.

In a 2020 randomized controlled trial, researchers found that moxibustion raised white blood cell count in chemo patients.

Low white blood cell count is a major consideration for people with cancer, because it places them at risk for stopping or delaying chemotherapy.

But low white blood cell count can also cause frequent infections, colds and flus, intestinal distress, and severe fatigue. Moxa has been shown to mitigate all of these effects.

Moxa also reduces nausea and vomiting better than the medications that doctors give you for these side effects.

Want some guidance on how to talk to your doctor or acupuncturist about moxa protocols that can help you? Sign up for my newsletter at and I'll send you a printable guide, right away.

Good luck on your journey!


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